Rediscover well-being through nature and science

Rediscover yourself, others, and the natural world through scientifically-backed, nature-based practices

  • Our immersive sensory-rich activities invite you into moments of pure presence, blending the edges between you and the natural world. Through these guided experiences, you'll feel what it means to engage with nature in a way that’s interactive and playful, leaving you with a true sense of connection that resonates long after.

  • Imagine the lasting benefits that emerge from truly connecting with nature – reduced stress, sharper focus, a sense of grounding, and enhanced emotional resilience. By weaving together scientific insights with sensory and emotional connections, our nature-based practices bring you closer to harmony with yourself, with nature, and with a community equally committed to this deeper way of being.

  • Picture yourself feeling steady, more focused, and in tune with the world around you. Our experiences offer a gentle retreat from stress and technology burnout, providing simple tools to bring balance into your day, find calm amidst life’s distractions, and savor moments at a more natural pace. Whether you’re seeking to improve focus, manage attention in a busy environment, or simply looking for a sense of balance, our programs are here to give you the tools to thrive.

How reconnecting with nature provides a balanced, science-informed life

Nature based practices can be powerful tools for social change by fostering environmental stewardship, building healthier communities, promoting mindful living, and advocating for equitable access to nature. By reconnecting people to themselves, others, and the natural world, they encourage shifts in how we live, work, and interact with the environment and each other, leading to more sustainable and compassionate societies.

Our offerings

Modern life often pulls us away from these connections, but our immersive, sensory-centered experiences can help you find your way back.

beach at sunset

Guided forest bathing and blue (beach) walks

Full and half day workshops

Wild flowers in a field of purple and yellow

Post-Psychedelic Journey Support